
Monuments       Spirit of Polonia       Proposals    

Commissioning a Monument is a worthy endeavor...

being chosen as the artist to bring a vision to reality through Sculpture is an honor.

Many people have asked about how a Bronze monument is made.

The button below will lead you to a page that follows the entire process through my creation of the "Rachel Weeping" Memorial.

Lost Wax Bronze Casting Process Top of Page

In 2009 I was asked to create a series of portrait busts showcasing heros and heroines of Poland's history.  Starting from the 1300's and progressing to the current century, I had the wonderful task of choosing and researching these historically important Polish people.  I looked at different fields: military, religious, science and the arts; finding any extant portrayals of their likeness to sculpt from and researching their lives and achievements.   The Spirit of Polonia was unveiled at the Polish Consulate (the historic DeLamar Mansion in New York City) and then moved to the Kosciuszko Foundation in New York City where the exhibit was on loan for three years.  An exhibit catalogue was created with English and Polish descriptions of each sculpture. 

My monuments usually begin with a client contacting me and asking questions. 

Knowing where to start in this complex vision is just the first step and there are many facets in creating a monument or memorial long before work begins on the sculpture.

At times the vision for a monument doesn't come to reality for a variety of reasons: lack of funds, inaccessability of the site and unexpected issues.  The photos below show  some of the monument proposals that I have been asked to work on.  Though they were not realized as monuments, I enjoyed working with the clients and creating the maquettes (small scale model for a proposed monument) for each one.

If you are interested in erecting a Monument or Memorial, contact me to discuss the steps of how to successfully bring your vision to reality.

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