The changing of the seasons always brings inspiration to an artist. The fragrance, color, texture of each season brings with it, it's own language of beauty. Commission work aside, I find the seasons reflected in the subject matter and composition of the sculptures I am currently working on for gallery work, exhibits or (for the rare opportunities when I have the time) sculptures for myself.
However, there are also seasons during our lives that provide inspiration as well, a season of youth, maturity, marriage, parenting... seasons of waiting, rejoicing, perseverence, learning... the artist innately takes inspiration from all of these seasons of life and they are in turn reflected into all that is created communicating to people in a beautiful language universal themes of life.
Today I will be putting the finish on a series of sculptures inspired by autumn.... a French provencial shepherdess, a fun portrait bust with removable sculpted mask, a violinist in a long evening gown.... all a part of the senses experienced this fall.
"In all thinsg of nature there is something of the marvelous." - - Aristotle
"Art is born of the observation and investigation of nature." - - Cicero
"Art ohas direct ties with life, living, joy, the depth of our being human, just by being art, and therefore it needs no justification."
#inspiration #quotes
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