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Art Review - Agasse "Romulus, Remus and their Nursemaid"

Sep 19, 2024

We will be looking at the work of Jacques-Laurent Agasse, a Swiss Neoclassical painter:  "Romulus, Remus and their Nursemaid."

Image courtesy of the Art Renewal Center©, (ARC)

By Tracy Sugg 17 Oct, 2024
This week's Art Review looks at 17th c. Dutch maritime painter Simon de Vlieger and his painting of "Estuary at Day's End" Image Courtesy of the National Gallery of Art, Washington
By Tracy Sugg 14 Oct, 2024
In this episode of Sculptor's Muse Tracy will solve the riddle of why did those artists include all those cute flying babies in their works. Located in the north staircase of the Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building's Great Hall. USCapitol, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
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Willem van de Velde the Younger was a Dutch Baroque maritime painter, we will be looking at his work "English Warship Firing a Salute." Image Courtesy of the National Gallery of Art, Washington
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Gianlorenze Bernini was an Italian Baroque sculptor. His sculpture of "David" is one of the four 'great' sculptures of David in art history. Image courtesy of the Art Renewal Center©, (ARC)
By Tracy Sugg 23 Sep, 2024
For this episode of Sculptor's Muse, Tracy explains step by step the process of Lost Wax bronze casting by following the creation of her monument "Rachel Weeping" from the original clay to the completed bronze .
By Tracy Sugg 19 Sep, 2024
We will be looking at the work of Jacques-Laurent Agasse, a Swiss Neoclassical painter: "Romulus, Remus and their Nursemaid." Image courtesy of the Art Renewal Center©, (ARC)
By Tracy Sugg 12 Sep, 2024
Baroque Sculptor, Alessandro Algardi and his sculpture of "St. Mary sister of Martha" Image courtesy of the Art Renewal Center©, (ARC)
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